Monday, January 9, 2012

Family Reflections and Resolutions

by Rebecca Kirk, MAMFT

Resolutions for the new year are bombarding us on every radio station, television, and magazine advertisement, and for many, it is a time of beating oneself up.  Countless psychologists and studies indicate that the vehicle of lasting positive change is to see and feel achievement -  not discouragement.  In this new year, take the time to access the positive changes, memories, and achievements you have made with your family.  Think of the best memory of the year.  Did it involve quality time, a mini vacation, a teachable moment?  Make a list of the positive outcomes you have achieved as an individual and as a family.  After you have basked in the growth of last year, resolve to add a few realistic goals to better strengthen your current or future goals.  Also, see if your personal  goals and your family goals need more balancing.  You can even make it a family effort by creating a memory time capsule of 2011 which also lists goals for 2012.  Each family member can write his or her own list for each year, and then each member can read it aloud before burying it. This can become a family tradition that you dig up and rebury each year.   Using this as a family devotion with prayer can be a reverent way to thank God for his gifts of grace and also request his guidance in the year to come.  The time to appreciate the blessings of the previous year will also help prepare us for the inevitable heartaches of the new one because it can help us take time to treasure our many and unique blessings before we lose them.

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